Abstract:Stromatolites, often considered among the oldest traces of life on Earth, provide valuable paleontological insights for chronostratigraphic correlation. They are particularly useful for stratigraphic correlation in Mesoproterozoic basins. The Kesuer Formation, part of the Huashishan Group in Dongchagou Village, Huangzhong District, Xining City, Qinghai Province, primarily consists of dolomitic carbonate assemblages with a large quantity of stromatolites. According to the classification method summarized by Cao Ruiji and Yuan Xunlai, nine distinct stromatolite genera have been identified in this area: Baicalia, Chihsienella, Anabaria, Tielingella, Conicodomenia, Tungussia, Colonnella, Stratifera and Cryptozoon. This stromatolite assemblage closely resembles the Late Mesoproterozoic Tieling Formation stromatolite assemblage in the Jixian System, and shares similarities with Late Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic strata stromatolite assemblage in China. As a result, the age of the Kesuer Formation in the Huashishan Group can be determined as Late Mesoproterozoic. The report of Qinghai stromatolites broadens the known distribution of Mesoproterozoic stromatolites in China and globally, updating the vertical distribution of common stromatolite genera and species. These findings hold significant implications for stratigraphic correlation.