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The present- day strain characteristics and dynamic mechanism around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis revealed by the GPS data

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    喜马拉雅东构造结位于印度与欧亚板块碰撞的前缘,是地壳缩短和构造旋转变形十分强烈的部位。本文收集东构造结及其周边区域大范围、长时段的最新GPS速度场资料,采用“二维张力样条”方法计算获得区域构造应变场,研究其现今地壳运动与构造变形特征。结果显示,高应变率区集中在喜马拉雅主逆冲断裂、实皆- 阿帕龙断裂、鲜水河- 小江断裂、东构造结的环形地区和印度东北部及缅甸西部的巴坎- 若开山脉地区,而在跨嘉黎断裂和红河断裂区域并无显著的应变。区域最大剪切应变率主要沿着实皆- 阿帕龙断裂、鲜水河- 小江断裂等构造带分布,区域最大面压缩率发生在阿萨姆东北部一带(N28°~29°、E95. 5°~96. 5°),最高量值为151. 8×10-9 a-1; 反映喜马拉雅东构造结的最强变形核心部位已经由南迦巴瓦峰地区向其东南方向发生了转移,移至位于阿萨姆东北部地区的喜马拉雅主边界逆冲断裂与阿帕龙断裂的交汇处。综合分析认为,喜马拉雅东构造结地区在印度板块强烈的楔入挤压作用下,大陆变形以地壳增厚为主,深部以黏塑性为特征的下地壳和上地幔物质的流动驱动着上覆脆性上地壳地块。


    The Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) and its vicinities,located in the tectonic front of the collision between India plate and Eurasia plate, is characterized by strong crustal shortening and tectonic rotation deformation. Based on the large- scale GPS velocity data, we analyze horizontal differential crustal movement associated with the EHS and its vicinities. Furthermore, we use a “spline in tension” technique to get a continuous strain rate map of the EHS region. Combined with the previous research results, we focus on the present- day tectonic deformation and mechanism of the EHS and its vicinities, and try to discuss the continental internal dynamic mechanism reflected by the current tectonic deformation in this area. The following results are obtained: Under the background of continuous subduction of Indian plate beneath Eurasian plate at an angle of NE20°, the most remarkable crustal motion is the clockwise rotation of southeastern and eastern Tibetan Plateau around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. High tectonic strain rates in this area concentrate around the vicinity of Himalayan main boundary thrust, Sagaing fault, Xianshuihe- Xiaojiang fault and other large strike- slip faults, as well as the ring areas of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, whereas there are no significant strain anomalies in the area across Jiali fault and Red River fault. Moreover, the maximum superficial compressive strain rates of 151.8×10-9 a-1 is in the northeast areas of Assam sub- block, which indicates that the core position moves from the Namjagbarwa area towards its southeast to the northeast of Assam, where the Himalayan main boundary thrust successively meets the inferred northern Sagaing thrust. It is considered according to the research that, owing to the hyper- oblique subduction of the Indian plate, the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis region is mainly characterized by crustal thickening, and the flow of the lower crust and upper mantle with viscoplastic characteristics in the deep drives the overall movement of the overlying brittle upper crust block.


韦少港,徐锡伟,武艳强,梁诗明,罗佳宏.2024. GPS数据揭示的喜马拉雅东构造结地区现今应变特征及其动力学机制[J].地质学报,98(4):1114-1128.
WEI Shaogang, XU Xiwei, WU Yanqiang, LIANG Shiming, LUO Jiahong.2024. The present- day strain characteristics and dynamic mechanism around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis revealed by the GPS data[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica,98(4):1114-1128.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-06-17
  • 最后修改日期:2022-11-06
  • 录用日期:2023-01-05
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-04-24
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