• Volume 63,Issue 2,1989 Table of Contents
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    • Middle and Late Carboniferous Tetracoral Assemblages and Biogeography of China

      1989, 63(2).

      Abstract (1178) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (79) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:China is rich in Middle and Carboniferous fossil corals. The coral faunas in different regions have varying characteristics and can be divided into distinct assemblages. The coral fauna in South China is dominated by the order Caninida and contains numerous endemic elements; that in North China has a lot of Middle Carboniferous corals which are monotonous in species, with Late Carboniferous solitary corals being predominant. The coral fauna in Junggar mainly contains large bi-zoned solitary caninids, while that in southern Khingan is similar to that in South China due to the presence of abundant tri-zoned compound corals. In northern Tibet the coral fauna is also similar to that in South China, but in southern Tibet it is of a cold-water type. Therefore, the Middle and Late Carboniferous coral geography of China can be divided into the Tethys, Boreal and Gondwana Realms.

    • Terminal Precambrian Palaeogeographic Framework of China

      1989, 63(2).

      Abstract (1109) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (88) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The original locations and relationships of four plates within the mainland of China from 800 to 600 Ma during the terminal Precambrian were reconstructed based on the palaeomagnetic and geological data. The Tarim, Yangtze and Cathaysian plates were once linked (in 800-700 Ma) and located in the same low-latitude zone of the northern hemisphere. But later, in 700-600 Ma, the Tarim plate was separated from the Yangtze-Cathaysian plate. The Sino-Korean plate was always far away from the Yangtze plate, both being separated by oceanic crust, and lay in the high-latitude zone of the northern hemisphere.The above-mentioned palaeogeographic framework directly led to complete differences in respect to distribution of low-latitude glaciation, sedimentary facies, palaeoclimate, palaeobiogeography and stratigraphic sections between the North and South China domains during the terminal Precambrian.

    • The Sedimentologic-Geotectonic Evolution in the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Anhui Region

      1989, 63(2).

      Abstract (1087) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (83) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Yangtze plate, extending from east to west in southern China, was formed about 800 Ma ago. Since the Sinian, two aulacogens trending east-northeast and connected at the east ends, have been initiated in the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Anhui region on the east margin of the plate with a sedimentary sequence up to 10,000 m in thickness. At a later stage of sedimentologic evolution, flysch and molasse were produced. The flyseh was accumulated in the Late Ordovician, when the two aulacogens became bays that opened to the east; the elastic materials were derived from the Yangtze oldland on the northern and southern sides of the basins. The molasse was accumulated from the terminal Late Ordovician to the Middle Ordovician; the clastie materials came from an uplifted orogenic belt in the east. This indicates that a major change in the tectonic pattern of the basins has taken place.

    • REE Geochemistry and Mineralization Characteristics of the Zudong and Gnanxi Granites, Jiangxi Province

      1989, 63(2).

      Abstract (1245) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (97) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Zudong and Guanxi granites are original rocks of the ion adsorption-type HREE and LREE deposits in weathering crust of granites. The ΣREE value and LREE/HREE ratio of the Zudong granite are 264 ppm and 0.81-0.24 respectively, and the average Y/ΣREE ratio is 35.8-54.5%. This is mainly due to magmatic crystallization and evolution and deuteric metasomatism (albitization, muscovitization and fluorite-doveritization). These alterations resulted in endogenic mineralizations of yttrium-group REE fluorine carbonates, silicates and arsenates. The Guanxi granite is characterized by LREE enrichment (the average LREE/HREE ratio is 2.43).

    • The Magma-dynamic Mechaism of Emplacement and Compositional Zonation of the Zhoukoudian Stock, Beijing

      1989, 63(2).

      Abstract (1223) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (72) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Zhoukoudian stock in Beijing is a concentric zoned complex intrusive body formed by two successive intrusions. Quartz-diorite formed by the first intrusion is scattered sparsely on the margins of the body, while granodiorite resulting from the second intrusion constitutes the main part of the intrusion. It exhibits three distinct petrographic zones macroscopically, and is chemically characterized by enrichment of high-temperature components, such as Mg, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn. Fe and Co, on its border and merely slight enrichment of some low-temperature components, such as Na and Si, in its central part. A series of structural features indicate that the deformation of the intrusion and thermo-metamorphic rocks becomes weaker with an increase of distance from the contact, and that the intrusive body is a product of ballooning or inflating diapiric emplacement. Based on calculations of the density, viscosity and yield strength of magma and the reasonable diffusion constants and oxygen isotopic data, the mechanism of the compositional zonation of the major part of the stock is discussed. It is considered that the Soret effect, combined with double-diffusive convection, can explain the compositional zonation of the intrusion. Calculation of the ascent rates of magma shows that successive upwelling of magma got faster and faster with the progress of time.

    • The Igneous Rock Series and Tin Polymetailic Minerogenetic Series in the Tengchong Area, Yunnan

      1989, 63(2).

      Abstract (1103) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (96) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper discusses the late Yanshanian-Himalayan igneous rock series and minerogenetic series (Cheng et al., 1979, 1982) related to tin polymetallic deposits in the Tengchong area. The multi-stage differentiation and evolution of the igneous rock series led to the concentration of metal and ore-forming elements in a cupola of a granite body formed in the late stage. The minerogenetic series shows a zoning of Nb-Ta-W-Sn, Sn-Fe and Sn around the cupola in space and a multi-stage regularity in time. Finally a minerogenetic model and three key factors of tin minerogenesis are put forward for tin polymetallic deposits in the area.

    • The Experimental Results of Pb and Zn Partitioning between Fluid and Melt, and Their Application to the Research on Metallogeny

      1989, 63(2).

      Abstract (1017) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (83) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Three logarithmic linear equations between D_(Me)~(V/L) and [m_(NaCl)], and the relationship of D_(Me)~(V/L) versus F/Cl or K/Na mole ratios have been established by the experiments of the partitioning of Pb and Zn between granitic silicate melt and aqueous fluid. These results have been used to quantitatively study some essential problems, such as the possibility and degree of Pb-Zn mineralization in the system of granitic magma and hydrothermal fluid, and the influence of the relative contents of alkali and volatiles on the Pb-Zn mineralization in the same system. Some new points have been put forward in this paper.

    • Engineering Geological Study of Regional Tectonic Stability in the Area of the Longyang Gorge Power Station on the Huanghe (Yellow) River

      1989, 63(2).

      Abstract (1197) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (81) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the stability study of the regional structures in the area of the Longyang Gorge Hydroelectrical Power Station, a model of the current stress-deformation field of the area was constructed based on analyses of available data of regional surveys and historical earthquakes and field investigations of active faults and ancient earthquakes. This model was examined and verified by physical and mathematical simulation experiments, and quantitative relations and data were obtained.

Chief Editor:HOU Zengqian

Governing Body:China Association for Science and Technology

Organizer:Geological Society of China

start publication :1922

ISSN:ISSN 1000-9515

CN:CN 11-2001/P

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