Editor in chief:YANG Wencai
International standard number:ISSN 0371-5736
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1952/p
Domestic postal code:2-382
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The 40th Editorial of Geological Review | |||||
Title and name Main study area office Nationality Email add. Editor-in-Chief |
Academician. YANG Wencai |
Continental dynamics; Applied Geophysics | Zhejiang University | China | Yang007@zju.edu.cn | |
Deputy editor-in-Chief | |||||
Prof. CHEN Yanjing |
Ore deposit; Geochemistry | School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University | China | yjchen@pku.edu.cn | |
Prof. Dong Yunpeng |
Structural geology; Geotectonics | International Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics; Northwest University | China | dongyp@nwu.edu.cn | |
Academician. XIE Shucheng |
Paleontology and stratigraphy | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) | China | xiecug@163.com | |
Prof. YAN Changhong |
Hydrogeology and engineering Geology | School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University | China | yanchh@nju.edu.cn | |
Prof. ZHANG Shuanhong |
Structural geology | Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | tozhangshuanhong@163.com | |
Prof. ZHU Xiangkun |
Isotope geochemistry and geochronology | Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | xiangkun@cags.ac.cn | |
Prof. ZHU Xiaomin |
Sedimentary geology and petroleum geology | China University of Petroleum (Beijing) | China | xmzhu@cup.edu.cn | |
Prof. ZHANG Yuxu(standing) |
Regional geology; Mineral deposits | Geological Society of China | China | zhangyuxugeo@163.com | |
Editorial Board | |||||
Prof. CHEN Hanlin |
Orogenic belts and basin tectonics; Deformation analysis and structural modeling | Zhejiang University | China | hlchen@zju.edu.cn | |
Prof. CHEN Jianping |
geomathematics | Research Center for Land Resources and High Technology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) | China | 3s@cugb.edu.cn | |
Prof. CHEN Renyi |
Prospecting prediction | Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | cgschenry@126.com | |
Prof. CHEN Weihai |
Karst geology | Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | cweihai@mail.cgs.gov.cn | |
Prof. CHEN Xiaohong |
Stratigraphy and Paleontology | Wuhan Centre, China Geological Survey | China | yccxiaohong@163.com | |
Prof. CHEN Yanjing |
Ore deposit; Geochemistry | School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University | China | yjchen@pku.edu.cn | |
Prof. DONG Dazhong |
Oil and gas geology and exploration | Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development | China | ddz@petrochina.com.cn | |
Prof. Dong Yunpeng |
Structural geology; Geotectonics | International Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics; Northwest University | China | dongyp@nwu.edu.cn | |
Prof. FAN Honghai |
Uranium geology; Petrology and isotope geochemistry | Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology | China | fhh270@263.net | |
Prof. FU Shuixing |
Geochemical exploration; Mineral survey and exploration / Metal deposit geology; Exploration technology and methods | Beijing Institute of Geology For Mineral Resources Co., Ltd. | China | fsx@bigm.cn | |
Prof. HAO Aibing |
Hydrogeology and engineering geology | China Insitute of Geo-Environment Monitoring | China | haoab@mail.cigem.gov.cn | |
Prof. HE Youbin |
Sedimentology | School of Geosciences, Yangtze University | China | heyb122@163.com | |
Prof. HOU Mingcai |
Sedimentology | Institute of Sedimentary Geology, Chengdu university of Technology | China | houmc@cdut.edu.cn | |
Prof. HUANG Zhilong |
Geochemistry | Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Science | China | huangzhilong@vip.gyig.ac.cn | |
Prof. JIN Zhangdong |
Geochemistry | Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Science | China | zhdjin@ieecas.cn | |
Prof. LI Huaikun |
Precambrian geology and isotope geochronology | Wuhan Centre, China Geological Survey | China | 798902580@qq.com | |
Prof. LI Jinfa |
Mineral deposits; Mineral exploration | China Geological Survey | China | lijinfa@mail.cgs.gov.cn | |
Prof. LI Xuping |
Mineralogy; petrology and geochemistry | College of Earth Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology | China | lixp_sdust@126.com | |
Prof. LIU Cai |
Geophysical; Integrated geophysics | College of Geoexploration Science and Technology, Jilin University | China | liucai@jlu.edu.cn | |
Prof. LIU Chenglin |
Mineralogy; Sedimentology; Potash | Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | liuchengl@263.net | |
Prof. LIU Chuanzheng |
Engineering geology; disaster geology | National Institute of Natural Hazards | China | liucz@cigem.cn | |
Prof. LIU Zhifei |
Marine Sedimentology | State Key Labroatory of Marine Geology, Tongji Univrsity | China | lzhifei@tongji.edu.cn | |
Prof. LOU Zhanghua |
Petroleum geology | Ocean College; Zhejiang University | China | iwr@zju.edu.cn | |
Prof. LU Jianjun |
Mineralogy | School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University | China | lujj@nju.edu.cn | |
Prof. LU Hongbo |
Sedimentology; Structural geology; Quaternary geology | School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (East China) | Canada | luhongbogeo@163.com | |
Prof. MA Shengming |
Geochemistry | Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, Chinese Academy of Geological Science | China | msmigge@163.com | |
Academician MA Yongsheng |
Minerals Exploration | China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation | China | mays@sinopec.co | |
Prof. PENG Jiantang |
Ore deposit geochemistry; Isotope chronology | Central South University | China | jtpeng@126.com | |
Prof. QIU Longwei |
Geology | School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (East China) | China | qiulwsd@163.com | |
Prof. SHAO Longyi |
Sedimentology; Sequence stratigraphy | College of Geosciences and Survey Engineering, China University of Minning & Technology (Beijing) | China | shaolongyi@163.com | |
Academician SHEN Shuzhong |
Stratigraphical paleontology | School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University | China | szshen@nju.edu.cn | |
Prof. SHI Jiansheng |
Evolution of sedimentary environment | Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science | China | tiger7886@263.com | |
Prof. TANG Feng |
Stratigraphical paleontology | Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | 523734337@qq.com | |
Prof. TANG Juxing |
Mineralogy | Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | tangjuxing@126.com | |
Prof. WANG Xiaolin |
Vertebrate paleontology | Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology | China | wangxiaolin@ivpp.ac.cn | |
Prof. WANG Jian |
Sedimentology; Petroleum geology; Geotectonics | School of Geoscience and Technology, Southwest Petroleum University | China | w1962jian@163.com | |
Prof. WANG Yan |
Geochemistry | Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | wang_yan@gig.ac.cn | |
Academician. WANG Yanxin |
Hydrogeology | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) | China | yx.wang@cug.edu.cn | |
Prof. WANG Zongqi |
Structural geology | Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | kcwzq@vip.sina.com | |
Prof. WEI Haiquan |
Volcanology and volcanic disasters | Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration | China | 1375284615@qq.com | |
Academician. WU Qiang |
Hydrogeology and environmental geology | China University of Minning and Technology (Beijing) | China | wuq@cumtb.edu.cn | |
Academician. XIE Shucheng |
Paleontology and stratigraphy | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) | China | xiecug@163.com | |
Prof. Xu Xueyi |
Petrology | China Geological Survey | China | xuxueyi1030@163.com | |
Prof. YAN Jun |
Geochemistry | School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology | China | jyan-hut@163.com | |
Prof. YAN Changhong |
Hydrogeology and engineering Geology | School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University | China | yanchh@nju.edu.cn | |
Academician. YANG Wencai |
Continental dynamics; Applied Geophysics | Zhejiang University | China | Yang007@zju.edu.cn | |
Prof. YANG Zhenyu |
Geotectonics; Paleomagnetism; Stratigraphy | College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University | China | zhenyu.yang@cnu.edu.cn | |
Prof. YE Jianliang |
Geological engineering | Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey | China | Jianliangye@sohu.com | |
Prof. YE Siyuan |
Environmental and marine geology | Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China Geological Survey | China | siyuanye@hotmail.com | |
Prof. ZHANG Chuanlin |
Structural geology | Hohai University | China | zhangchuanlin@hhu.edu.cn | |
Prof. ZHANG Fawang |
Hydrogeology and environmental geology | Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | zfawang@mail.cgs.gov.cn | |
Prof. ZHANG Hongfu |
Geochemistry | Department of Geology, Northwest University | China | hfzhang@mail.iggcas.ac.cn | |
Prof. ZHANG Jianxin |
Metamorphism and deformation of orogenic belt | Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | zjx66@yeah.net | |
Prof. ZHANG Maosheng |
Hydrogeology | Xi'an Centre, China Geological Survey | China | xazms@126.com | |
Prof. ZHANG Shuanhong |
Structural geology | Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | tozhangshuanhong@163.com | |
Prof. ZHANG Zhonghui |
Tourism geology | Henan Institute of Geological Survey | China | 364274391@qq.com | |
Prof. ZHANG Yuxu |
Regional geology; mineral deposits | Geological Society of China | China | zhangyuxugeo@163.com | |
Prof. ZHU Dicheng |
Petrology; geochemistry | China University of Geosciences (Beijing) | China | dchengzhu@163.com | |
Prof. ZHU Lixin |
Geochemistry | China Geological Survey | China | lixinz@cags.ac.cn | |
Prof. ZHU Xiangkun |
Isotope geochemistry and geochronology | Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences | China | xiangkun@cags.ac.cn | |
Prof. ZHU Xiaomin |
Sedimentary geology and petroleum geology | China University of Petroleum (Beijing) | China | xmzhu@cup.edu.cn | |
Chief editor of the department | |||||
LIU Zhiqiang | Sedimentary stratigraphy; Petroleum geology | Geological Society of China | China | liuzhiqianggeo@63.com | |
Editorial Department of GEOLOGICAL REVIEW
Contact way:
Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)
Telephone: 010-68999024
Editor in chief:YANG Wencai
International standard number:ISSN 0371-5736
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1952/p
Domestic postal code:2-382