





中国地质调查局地质调查项目(Nos. DD20230005、DD20230215、DD20190812);陕西省自然科学(Nos. 2023-JC-YB-267).

Petrogenesis and Tectonic significances of Early Devonian Granites in Huangqiuquan Area from the Northern Beishan Orogenic Belt,NW China

1.Xi,an Center of Geological Survey,China Geological Survey,Xi,an,;2.Center for Orogenic Belt Geology,CGS,Xi,an;3.Xi,an Center of Geological Survey,China Geological Survey,Xi,an;4.Central South Geological Survey Institute of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau

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    北山造山带在早泥盆世是否存在构造体制转换一直是该地区大地构造演化研究的关键。本文选取北山北带黄丘泉地区的石英二长岩和正长花岗岩进行了岩石学、元素地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素分析,结果显示,石英二长岩和正长花岗岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄分别为412±2 Ma和409±2 Ma;全岩样品具有准铝质-弱过铝质、碱性-碱钙性及铁质等地球化学特征;稀土元素总量中等,轻重稀土弱到中等分馏且相对富集轻稀土,石英二长岩具有弱的负Eu异常,正长花岗岩具有明显的负Eu异常;微量元素富集Rb、K、U,亏损Sr、Ta、P、Ti;锆饱和温度计算黄丘泉岩体的结晶温度在828-888℃,平均856℃;以上这些岩石地球化学特征与 A 型花岗岩一致。锆石εHf(t)值介于-7.02~4.42,二阶段模式年龄(tDM2)介于1.84-1.12 Ga,平均1.42 Ga,表明岩浆源区以古老地壳物质为主,但也有新生物质的加入,可能为亏损型新生幔源熔体上侵并与古老镁铁质地壳熔体发生不同程度岩浆混合的产物。构造环境判别显示石英二长岩为A2型花岗岩,正长花岗岩为A1型花岗岩。结合区域地质资料及前人研究成果,认为黄丘泉地区A型花岗岩均形成于后碰撞伸展环境,A1型花岗岩和A2型花岗岩的共同出现,标志着北山造山带的构造体制于早泥盆世已进入后碰撞伸展环境,并具向板内构造阶段演化的趋势。


    The existence of structural system transformation in the Beishan orogenic belt during the Early Devonian has always been a key issue in the study of tectonic evolution in the region. In this paper, the granites from the Huangqiuquan area in the northern belt of Beishan is selected for petrology, zircon U-Pb chronology, element geochemistry and Hf isotope analysis. The results of zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating for the quartz monzonite and syenogranite are 412±2 Ma and 409±2 Ma respectively. The quartz monzonite and syenogranite in the research area were characterized by quasi aluminous to weakly peraluminous, alkaline to alkaline calcium and iron. The ΣREE is moderate, relatively enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE with weak to moderate fractionation between LREE and HREE. The quartz monzonite display small negative Eu anomalies, whereas the syenogranite show more obviously negative Eu anomalies. The trace elements are rich in Rb, K, U and poor in Sr, Ta, P and Ti. Calculated by zirconium saturation temperature, the crystallization temperature of Huangqiuquan granite is 828-888℃, average 856℃. Combined with the geochemical characteristics above, the Huangqiuquan granite should be defined as A-type granite. The zircon εHf(t) values ranges from -7.02 to - 4.42. tDM2 modle ages from 1.84 to 1.12 Ga, average 1.42 Ga. It indicates that the magma source area is mainly composed of ancient crustal materials, but there is also the addition of new biomass, which may be the product of the upwelling of depleted new mantle derived melts and varying degrees of magma mixing with ancient mafic crustal melts. The tectonic environment discrimination shows that the quartz monzonite is A2 type granite, and the syenite granite is A1 type granite. Based on regional geological data and previous research results, it is believed that the A-type granite in the Huangqiuquan area was formed in a post collision extension environment. The simultaneous occurrence of A1 type granite and A2 type granite indicates that the tectonic system of the Beishan orogenic belt entered a post collision extension environment during the Early Devonian and showed a trend of transition towards intraplate tectonic stage.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-11-07
  • 最后修改日期:2024-02-29
  • 录用日期:2024-06-21
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