Abstract:Based on chemical properties and crystal structure characteristics of quartz, together with the acquired cogination and achievement of this field all over the world, the writers want to give a review on the distribution and application of traceelements in hydrothermal quartz. There are three main substitution modes govern the incorporation of structural trace elements: single substitution, double substitution, compensated. As the intensity of SEMCL image is related to traceelements content in quartz, traceelements in quartz can be applied to constrain geologic process. According to the distribution of traceelements in quartz formed at different temperature in hydrothermal deposits, the metallogenetic temperature can be appromately judged, and be mensurable by TITANiQ. The composition and distribution of traceelements in quartz can tell quartz in magmatic stage from hydrothermal stage, and the phase of hydrothermal quartz can be effectively distinguished as well. Aluminum and titanium concentration in quartz is strongly dependent on pH of hydrothermal fluids, which can be used to detect pH of quartz precipitation and speculate the evolution of hydrothermal fluids.