We thank the Polytech University of Tirana, Albania and other Albania geologists for the assistance in the field work. We thank He Rong for the assistance in the EPMA analyses and the China National Research Center for the geochemical analyses. We would also like to thank Prof. David G.Gee and Prof. Julian A.Pearce for their valuable suggestions in modifying this manuscript. This research was funded by grants from the International Geoscicence Programme (IGCP 649, 2015–2020), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41541017, 41641015),the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2014DFR21270), China Geological Survey (12120115026801, 12120115027201, 201511022, DD20160023-01) and the Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Continental Tectonics and Dynamics (Z1301– a20 and K201502).
WU Weiwei, YANG Jingsui, MA Changqian, MILUSHI Ibrahim, LIAN Dongyang, TIAN Yazhou.2017. Discovery and Significance of Diamonds and Moissanites in Chromitite within the Skenderbeu Massif of the Mirdita Zone Ophiolite, West Albania[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica(),91(3):882-897