Abstract:Abstract: Biotite and muscovite inclusions inside mica host minerals from the Sutlej section of the Higher Himalayan Crystalline were studied under an optical microscope. These inclusions formed possibly by local recrystallization of mica grains during regional prograde metamorphism, with some affected by top-to-SW shear leading to parallelogram shapes. Recrystallization may have been assisted by solution transfer along the cleavage planes of the host grains. The relative competency of deformed phyllosilicate inclusions with the same or different composition to the host depends on the size and orientation of (001) cleavage planes of the inclusions relative to the host. Shearing of mica inclusions led to their parallelogram geometries within the contained mica inclusions. Some of the sheared inclusions deflect cleavage planes in the host minerals and define flanking microstructures. Trapezoid-shaped inclusions are a new finding that deserves more attention for their genesis. These structurally anisotropic inclusions did not originate from sub-grains, secondary infillings or retrogression. These inclusions are also not related to pseudomorphism, isomorphism, folding of the bulk rock etc. Some of the inclusions formed by recrystallization of the host mineral during top-to-SW ductile shear.