滇东南老君山矿集区北部长田W(Sn)矿床成矿时代:来自白钨矿和萤石 Sm- Nd同位素定年的制约





本文为国家自然科学基金项目(编号41962005, 92162214, 41903038, 42072094)和国家重点研发计划项目(编号2017YFC0602500)联合资助的成果

Sm- Nd isotope system dating of scheelite and fluorite from Changtian W (Sn) deposit in the northern Laojunshan ore district, SE Yunnan Province, China: Constraints on the mineralizing age

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    滇东南是我国重要的钨锡多金属成矿区,老君山矿集区是其重要组成部分,围绕燕山期老君山复式花岗岩体,分布有都龙、南秧田、新寨大型- 超大型Sn- W多金属矿床及多个中小型矿床(点)。该区地质演化复杂,Sn、W多金属可能存在多期成矿作用,包括燕山期、印支期和加里东期。由于目前该区发现的Sn- W矿化多分布于老君山岩体南、东侧,而岩体北部Sn- W成矿作用的研究相对较薄弱,特别是成矿年代学方面,多数矿床依然缺少精确同位素年代学数据,制约了该区Sn- W多金属成矿作用的认识和地质勘探的深入。长田是老君山岩体北缘代表性W (Sn)多金属矿床,区内加里东期和燕山期花岗岩均有分布,由于缺少年代学数据和地质地球化学研究,W(Sn)成矿作用的认识尚缺少实际地质地球化学依据,难以建立合理的成矿模式,制约了区内地质勘探的深入和突破。基于此,本文通过对长田W (Sn)矿床中白钨矿及共生萤石的Sm- Nd同位素定年,分别获得97 Ma和79 Ma两个年代学数据,显示该矿床钨矿化主成矿期应为燕山晚期,与老君山花岗岩活动时限一致,表明长田钨成矿作用与燕山期老君山花岗岩的侵入活动关系密切,而与加里东期岩浆活动关系不大。该成果丰富了燕山晚期老君山花岗岩Sn- W成矿作用及其影响范围,也为进一步完善该区的年代学格架提供重要的成矿年代学数据。


    he Laojunshan ore district is an essential part of the W- Sn metallogenic belt in SE Yunnan Province, China. A series of large and super- large deposits such as the Dulong, Nanyangtian and Xinzhai Sn- W polymetallic deposits are distributed around the Laojunshan complex granite of Yanshanian. The Sn- W polymetals may have had multistage mineralization (e.g, Yanshan, Indosinian and Caledonian) because of complex geological history in the Laojunshan ore district. The Sn- W mineralization found in this ore district is mainly distributed in southern and eastern Laojunshan granite body, while northern deposits are relatively less studied. Especially in metallogenic chronology, most deposits still lack accurate isotopic chronology data, which limits the understanding of Sn- W polymetallic mineralization and in- depth geological exploration in this area. Changtian is a typical W (Sn) polymetallic deposit in northern Laojunshan granite. Caledonian and Yanshanian granites are distributed in the Changtian ore district.Due to the lack of chronology and geochemistry study, the understanding of W (Sn) mineralization is not based on actual geological and geochemical evidence. It is difficult to establish a reasonable metallogenic model, which restricts the in- depth geological exploration in the Changtian W (Sn) deposit. This study provides a high- precision Sm- Nd isotopic dating for scheelite and fluorite separated from the tungsten ore with two isochron ages of (97 Ma, scheelite) and (79 Ma, fluorite). These results showed that the Changtian W (Sn) deposit formed in the Yanshanian, and tungsten mineralization is closely related to the Laojunshan granite, but has little relation with the Nanwenhe granite. This study has enriched Sn- W mineralization of the Laojunshan granite of late Yanshanian and its scope of influence, as well as providing important geochronology data to further improve the geochronology framework of the Laojunshan ore district.


杜胜江,温汉捷,张锦让,杨光树.2023.滇东南老君山矿集区北部长田W(Sn)矿床成矿时代:来自白钨矿和萤石 Sm- Nd同位素定年的制约[J].地质学报,97(10):3347-3362.
DU Shengjiang, WEN Hanjie, ZHANG Jinrang, YANG Guangshu.2023. Sm- Nd isotope system dating of scheelite and fluorite from Changtian W (Sn) deposit in the northern Laojunshan ore district, SE Yunnan Province, China: Constraints on the mineralizing age[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica,97(10):3347-3362.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-04-20
  • 最后修改日期:2022-06-06
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-10-31
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