


内容提要:北京地区中元古界雾迷山组主要由燧石条带白云岩、燧石结核白云岩、叠层石白云岩和少量含陆源粉砂质碎屑的白云岩组成,广泛出露于北京山区,厚度2000~3500 m。以雾迷山组为代表的大量中元古代硅质沉积物的物源和形成原因,一般教科书均认为层状燧石为生物成因,结核状燧石为成岩交代成因。笔者等在北京西山等地多次野外考察发现,二维剖面上的硅质条带或硅质结核在三维实体上实际上是透镜状或席状(下一般称燧石席或硅胶席)。燧石席内部常包裹或胶结有下伏白云岩的砾石并且因混有有机质等,表现为各种暗色或杂色。硅胶席在上覆白云质沉积物堆积之前与其周围的白云质灰泥和粒屑几乎同时形成,燧石透镜体与白云质沉积物之间存在着相互穿插、包裹的关系,但彼此之间边界清晰,无论是白云石粒屑还是燧石席都没有任何被交代痕迹。因此,笔者等认为:燧石“结核”是硅胶聚集成席,再经压实、固化的结果,其浑圆状边缘是水下硅胶与沉积介质的相变面。硅胶固化作用是北京西山中元古界雾迷山组中原生燧石的唯一成因。在成岩重力压实过程中,连续分布的原生硅质沉积物会形成布丁或“结核”构造。白云质灰泥和粒屑的胶结速度明显快于硅胶的固化速度,遇地震等外力作用,软的硅胶席会沿着弱固结的白云岩裂隙向上侵入或向下挤入,形成硅质脉。遇有后期的岩浆侵入或热变质作用的改造,硅质条带和硅质结核的成分和颜色会发生相应的变化,质地变纯,颜色由深变浅,但是仍然保留原生的层理或纹理,容易被误认为是成岩期或成岩后硅质交代碳酸盐矿物而成。



近年来,对于碳酸盐岩地层中薄层状或条带状燧石的成因多认为是生物成因,少数为特殊环境的化学沉淀和地下热泉、火山作用的产物。目前,许多权威的中、英文教科书或辞典等几乎一致认为结核状燧石是成岩后已经固结的碳酸盐矿物被硅质交代形成。例如,在Sedimentary GeologyAn Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy(Prothero,2014279)和Earth: Portrait of a Planet(Marshak, 2015214)两书中均认为交代作用是形成燧石结核的唯一原因;Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology(Tarbuck and Lutgens, 2017)中认为层状的燧石为生物成因,结核状燧石为交代成因。近年来出版的中文教材大多也采用了类似的解释(如:于炳松和梅冥相, 2016282,288)。

中元古界雾迷山组在京西的门头沟和房山地区厚 2000 m左右,主要由白云岩构成(占89%),燧石条带和燧石结核等硅质岩成分占10%(鲍亦冈,1996)。笔者等在北京西山等地多次野外考察,特别是,门头沟庄户洼村附近的永定河谷(中心点参考坐标为:北纬40°2′51",东经115°49′34")露头十分清晰,可以看到许多三维实体,发现剖面上的硅质条带或硅质结核,在三维实体中实际上是席状燧石与碳酸盐岩互层。燧石席内部常包裹或胶结有下伏白云岩的砾石,燧石透镜体与白云质沉积物之间存在着相互穿插、包裹的关系,但彼此之间边界清晰,无论是白云石粒屑还是燧石席都没有任何被交代痕迹。用传统的成岩交代说根本无法解释。故本文以北京西山中元古界雾迷山组野外露头为主,结合少量其他地方的实例,讨论白云岩中的燧石条带、燧石席及其相互关系,探讨碳酸盐岩中的燧石条带或燧石席的成因。

1 地质背景

燕山—辽西中元古代裂陷槽以天津蓟县为中心,累计沉积形成的地层厚度9000余米。其中,凌源—平泉—兴隆—密云—涞源一线为北东向的轴部同沉积断裂带(图1a)(和政军等,2000a;苏德辰和孙爱萍,2011;Su Dechen et al., 2014)。

雾迷山组(“雾迷山灰岩”)的命名地在原天津蓟县城西10余千米的无名山(Kao(高振西)et al.1934;田树信和翟子梅,199629)。雾迷山组主要由燧石条带白云岩、叠层石白云岩、沥青质白云岩及少量泥状含粉砂质碎屑白云岩、硅质岩组成,以沉积韵律明显、富含燧燧石和叠层石为特征。



2 庄户洼剖面雾迷山组燧石特征

庄户洼附近的雾迷山组总厚度约为2000 m。地层中含有大量黑色的燧石夹层(图2a、b)、条带、团块。白云岩岩层之间往往发育燧石夹层(图2c),剖面上的燧石团块,在三维露头上事实上是连续的燧石层(图2d)或者像网脉一样沿层面彼此相联(图2e、f)。雾迷山组中所有燧石层出现的层位均含有明显的浅水相沉积特征,如波幅极小的波痕(图2g)、干涉波痕(图2h)、龟裂、斜层理等(Su Dechen and Sun Aiping, 2012;Su Dechen et al., 2014),这些浅水的波痕、斜层理等完全由白云质的砂屑和砾屑构成。

图2 北京西山庄户洼村露头硅质岩产状与其伴生的波痕、干涉波痕:(a)雾迷山组中常见的硅质条带白云岩(正常风化表面);(b)雾迷山组中常见的硅质条带白云岩(河水冲刷后新鲜的岩石);(c)上覆白云岩剥蚀后呈现出的硅质岩;(d)随着原始起伏层面而沉积的硅质岩,呈现出明显的薄厚变化;(e)附着在原始层面上的硅质岩,其原始堆积与生物作用有关;(f)压实、固结之后硅质岩在剖面上呈现断续分布,但在层面上多呈枝状且互相连通,在剖面上显示为底辟构造;(g)与波痕共生的硅质岩,主要赋存于波谷;(h)与干涉波痕共生的硅质岩

Fig.2 Field occurrence of siliceous rock and its associated ripples and interference ripples at Zhuanghuwa Village, Western Hills, Beijing:(a)siliceous strip dolostone commonly found in the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation(normally weathered surface);(b)siliceous strip dolostone commonly found in the Wumishan Formation(fresh rock after river scouring);(c)siliceous rock after the overlying dolostone is denuded;(d)siliceous rock deposited with the original undulating layer, showing obvious changes in thickness;(e)silica attached to the original layer siliceous rock, its original accumulation is related to biological action;(f)siliceous rock is intermittently distributed on the section after compaction and consolidation, but it is mostly branched and connected with each other on the layer, and it is shown as thediapirs on the lateral section;(g)siliceous rock coexisting with standard wave marks, mainly occurring in wave troughs;(h)siliceous rock coexisting with interference wave marks




图3 北京西山庄户洼村露头硅质岩野外产状

Fig.3 Field occurrence of siliceous rocks at Zhuanghuwa Village, Western Hills, Beijing

(a)位于沉积间断面上的硅质岩,内部夹杂大量白云质同生角砾,角砾与硅质岩之间界线清晰,二者之间没有交代关系,而是白云岩角砾被硅质胶结而成;(b)与(a)为同一层位的硅质岩,除其中混有的白云质同生角砾外,注意从剖面上可见硅质岩上、下层位的裂隙均被硅质岩挤入充填,说明硅质岩明显晚于白云岩固结,因而在受到垂向的挤压(重力压实)或地震的震动时,挤入上下层的裂缝中,形成这种挤入构造;(c)混有白云岩砾屑且未完全固结的硅质团块与大量白云质砾屑、砂屑一起沉积,硅质团块的边界明显,但有被挤压形成的变形特征;(d)粒度大于5 cm的白云岩角砾被硅质团块“捕获”,再参与到岩石的沉积成岩过程,相邻多个硅质团块的排列方式显示这些硅质团块彼此之间可能是连续的;(e)、(f)层状的硅质沉积物受到挤压时向上方挤入,形成底辟构造,但(e)中的底辟构造为上大下小的伞状,(f)中的底辟构造为穹丘状;(g)硅质沉积物受力向上挤入时,冲破了上覆薄层白云质沉积岩的束缚,白云岩裂开。说明当时硅质沉积物固结速度慢,为软的硅质胶团,而白云质沉积物已经固结,受硅质胶团的挤压后产生明显的脆性变形;(h)断面呈圆形(①)、椭圆形(②)的硅质团块与层状的硅质沉积物(③)原本为同一层,受力挤压后,①和②形成不同形态的独立的硅质体

(a)Siliceous rock located on the sedimentary discontinuity, with a large number of dolostone breccia mixed in it.The boundary between the breccia and the siliceous rock is clear.(b)Siliceous rock in the same layer as(a), except for the mixed dolostone breccia, it can be seen from the section that the fractures in the upper and lower layers of the siliceous rock are squeezed and filled by the siliceous rock , indicating that the siliceous rock consolidated significantly later than the dolostone, so when subjected to vertical compression(gravity compaction)or earthquake vibration, it squeezed into the cracks of the upper and lower layers to form this squeezed structure.(c)The siliceous agglomerates mixed with dolostone gravel and not fully consolidated are deposited together with a large number of dolostone gravels and sands.The boundary of the siliceous agglomerate is obvious, but it has the characteristics of deformation formed by extrusion.(d)Dolostone breccia with a particle size larger than 5 cm is “captured” by siliceous clumps, and then participates in the sedimentary diagenetic process of the rock.The arrangement of adjacent siliceous clumps shows that these siliceous clumps may be continuous with each other。(e),(f)The layered siliceous sediments are squeezed upward when they are squeezed to form a diapir structure, but the diapir structure in(e)is umbrella-shaped and the diapir structure in(f)is dome-shaped.(g)When the siliceous sediment is pushed upward by force, it breaks through the restraint of the overlying layer of dolostone.This indicates that the siliceous sediments had a slow consolidation speed at that time and were soft siliceous micelles, while the dolomitic deposits had already consolidated and were compressed by the siliceous micelles and had obvious brittle deformation.(h)The shapes of siliceous agglomerates change from the round ① to elliptical ②, and to the layered ③.They were originally from the same layer

最为典型的是在多个不同层位的硅质岩团块和结核中发现了明显被白云岩脉侵入或切穿的现象(图4a—d),这种硅质岩被白云岩侵入的现象与笔者等之前发现的白云岩被硅质岩脉侵入的现象(图5及Su Dechen et al., 2014),都在庄户洼剖面,但在不同的层位。这些现象说明:硅质团块包裹在白云质灰泥中虽然尚有一定的塑性,但随着时间的推移而逐渐变脆,当整体受到外来应力时局部发生脆性破裂,于是尚未固结的白云质灰泥贯入裂缝之中形成白云质“砂脉”。

图4 硅质岩被白云岩穿刺“侵入”的现象

Fig.4 The phenomenon of “intrusion” of siliceous rock by dolostone

(a)质地较纯的硅质团块被白云质沉积物穿刺,形成5 cm高的白云岩细脉,充分说明穿刺发生时,硅质沉积物与白云质沉积物都是相对软的状态,为同沉积的构造;(b)、(c)、(d)均为相邻层位不同位置发现的硅质沉积物被白云质沉积物穿刺的现象

(a)The siliceous mass of relatively pure texture was punctured by dolomitic sediments to form 5 cm-high dolostone veinlets, which fully shows that when the puncture occurred, both siliceous and dolomitic sediments were relatively soft and the feature is syndepositional;(b),(c)and(d)are all similar phenomena of siliceous sediments intruded by dolomitic sediments found at different positions in adjacent horizons


图5a 清晰地记录了地震发生时各层位的状态以及硅质沉积物在地震时发生触变流动的轨迹。当时, 下部的三层白云岩(Dol①、Dol②和Dol③)已经基本固结,地震发生时只能产生脆性变形,但上部的白云质灰泥(Dol④)仍处于半固结状态。而介于三层白云质沉积物之间的硅胶(Si①和Si②)仍处于半固结状态。强烈的地震导致两层硅胶之间已经固结的第2层白云岩(Dol②)出现裂隙——地裂缝, 与此同时,两层硅质岩(Si①和Si②)发生触变流动, 底层的硅胶(Si①)通过第2层白云岩(Dol②)中的裂隙与上部的硅胶层(Si②)汇合后,沿着第3层白云岩(Dol③)的裂隙向上穿刺,在第4层白云岩(Dol④)中形成两条细脉。最终形成现在这种触变脉(塑性变形)和地裂缝(脆性变形)共存的现象。

图5 白云岩中的硅质岩脉

Fig.5 The siliceous dikes in dolostone

(a)总厚70 cm 的岩石剖面自下而上分为6 层, 其中Dol①、Dol②、Dol③和Dol④主要为白云岩,Dol③和Dol④之间是渐变过渡关系。Si①和Si②则以硅质岩为主,Si①中包含极薄的白云岩纹层,Si②则由较纯的燧石构成。(b)、(c)古地震发生时,下部固结速度快的白云质沉积物呈脆性裂开,固结速度慢的硅质沉积物在地震的作用下向压力小的上方运移,即硅①和硅②中的硅质沉积物向上侵入到尚未固结的液化后的硅质沉积物穿刺到未固结的白云质沉积物(Dol③和Dol④)中,形成硅质岩脉

(a)The rock profile with a total thickness of 70 cm is divided into 6 layers from bottom to top,4 layers of dolomite(Dol① to Dol④)and 2 layers of chert(Si① and Si②).(b),(c)When the paleo-earthquake occurred, the dolomitic sediments with fast consolidation speed in the lower part were brittle and cracked, and the siliceous sediments with slow consolidation speed migrated to the upper part of the lower pressure under the action of the earthquake, that is, the siliceous sediments in Si① and Si ② are intruded upwards into the unconsolidated liquefied siliceous deposits punctured into the unconsolidated dolomitic deposits(Dol ③ and Dol④)to form siliceous dykes

3 雾迷山组硅质岩成因讨论

3.1 成因争论史


燧石性脆质坚,自古就是人类文明的重要原料,也是现代地质科学很早关注的研究对象(例如:Lyell, 1830,1871)。Woodward(1864)在燧石标本中识别了出明显的海绵结构,认为燧石为生物成因。许多学者则认为,海水中的硅质胶体具有极强的吸附性,不仅彼此之间吸附,还吸附其周边的物质,凝聚固结而形成燧石,硅质的来源主要为陆源物质的风化溶解(Prestwich,1888;Tarr,1917;Pettijohn, 1949;Humphries, 1956; Tresise, 1961;Hesse, 1989)。然而,也有学者通过实验认为,正常温度下海水中溶解的硅质不足以达到无机沉淀的浓度,除非附近有火山活动(Krauskopf,1956)。

1967年,Eugster在肯尼亚马加迪湖的湖床中发现了两种新的含水硅酸钠矿物(马加迪石和肯尼亚石),并认为这两种矿物是在碱性盐水中经化学沉淀形成,最终转变为燧石(Eugster,1967; 1969)。然而,Behr和Röhricht(2000)认为,肯尼亚马加迪湖中只有极少的燧石直接源于化学沉淀,大多数燧石不是化学沉淀成因,而是在生物作用的参与下形成的。

20世纪70年代中后期,Folk等对意大利4个中生代盆地的燧石结核、透镜体和燧石层进行了研究,认为这些燧石均为生物成因的硅质交代碳酸盐矿物后所形成(Folk and McBride, 1978; McBride and Folk, 1979)。



张鹏远(1979,1980, 1982)、赵澂林(1980)、朱浩然等(1980)、刘志礼等(1982)和孙淑芬等(2006)分别报道了蓟县和北京西山的雾迷山组燧石中发现了绿藻等微体古生物化石。Ding Tiping 等(2017)发现在高于庄组到雾迷山组的沉积过程中,海水中δ30Si值达到了自古元古代以来的峰值,说明在这段时间中海水中溶解的硅浓度急剧下降。这个急剧下降期恰好对应于中元古界中燧石最为发育的阶段。任国选等(2008)和赵悦等(2019)则认为,中元古界中的燧石条带“是一种具有时代特征的同沉积的生物化学沉积”。


3.2 硅质来源

部分学者认为中元古界雾迷山组中的硅来源于富硅的热水活动或火山喷发(例如:任国选等,2008),另有学者认为来源于生物(例如:赵悦等,2019)或陆源物质的长期风化。如前所述,雾迷山组分布面积巨大,有大量的硅质岩,如果这些硅质来源于火山活动,那么,雾迷山组中应该有大量的火山活动遗迹。而事实上,整个华北地区中—新元古代的火山活动遗迹主要见于大红峪组和团山子组,其中,大红峪组中的火山岩分布面积达到600 km2,在北京平谷区的最大厚度达到718 m(和政军等,2000b)。在其他各组如高于庄组、雾迷山组、杨庄组、铁岭组和下马岭组中都很少见到火山产物,这也是包括雾迷山组在内的中元古代地层直到最近十余年才找到极少量的凝灰岩测年样品的原因(李怀坤等,2014;高林志等,2007,2011;Su Wenbo et al.,2010;Su Wenbo, 2016)。在常州沟组沉积之前,华北已经经历了数亿年的风化剥蚀,中元古代的海洋中虽然沉积了上千米厚的石英砂岩,但一定有足够多的硅质溶于海水中,这些硅质更可能是高于庄组和雾迷山组中硅质岩的重要来源。

地震液化溢出丘的围岩是庄户洼附近最典型的岩石(图6a),镜下研究发现,岩石主要为含有石英砂屑和残余菌藻的亮晶白云岩,白云石总含量93%,以砂屑和胶结物两种形式存在。岩石中含有以石英颗粒为主的陆源组分,石英含量5%,为次圆状,粒径0.1~0.3 mm,可见残留加大边,个别石英碎屑内含有电气石矿物包裹体,分布不均匀,局部相对富集(图6b)。

溢出丘顶部的黑色的硅质岩中,隐晶质石英90%以上,有少量放射球粒状玉髓;硅质岩中有10%左右的粒状藻鲕,直径约为0.2 mm,以同心状为主,个别呈放射状(图6c,图6d),放射状的藻鲕很可能是原始的生命结构,这种质地比较纯的硅质岩在形成过程中,有生物作用的参与。


图6 北京西山庄户洼村雾迷山组硅质白云岩、硅质岩的显微特征

Fig.6 Microscopic characteristics of siliceous dolostone and siliceous rock at the Zhuanghuwa Village of the Western Hills of Beijing

(a)雾迷山组中含石英碎屑和鲕粒的白云质沉积物在地震时液化并喷出形成的液化溢出丘(Su Dechen et al., 2014),丘顶凹陷处(红色箭头)以及丘体内产生的环形和放射状裂隙被之后沉淀的暗色硅质软泥充填;(b)白云岩中的石英碎屑(正交偏光);(c)硅质岩中的藻鲕(单偏光);(d)白云岩中的硅质鲕粒和藻丝(红色箭头)(单偏光)

(a)The seismic-triggered liquefication mound(Su Dechen et al., 2014)is composed mainly by dolomitic sediments with some quartz debris and oolites in the Wumishan Formation.The fissures are filled with later deposited dark siliceous ooze.(b)Quartz clasts in dolostone(cross-polarized light);(c)Algal oolites in siliceous rock(single-polarized light);(d)Siliceous oolites and algal filaments(red arrow)in dolostone(single polarized light)


3.3 硅质岩的形成过程



图7 雾迷山组中的硅质岩形成模式:(a)—(c)硅胶席的形成过程;(d)硅胶席在成岩期间经差异压实或外力而变形,最终固结成燧石结核、燧石条带或燧石层

Fig.7 Formation model of siliceous rocks in the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation:(a)(c)the formation process of the silica gel mat;(d)during diagenesis, the silica gel mat was deformed by differential compaction or external forces, and finally consolidated into chert nodules, chert strips or chert layers


3.4 硅胶固化后经受改造的硅质岩



图8 成岩后重结晶的硅质岩(a)和后期热液硅质脉体(b)

Fig.8 Re-crystallized siliceous rocks after diagenesis(a)and hydrothermal siliceous dykes(b)

(a)雾迷山组中常见的浅色、质纯硅质条带白云岩(标本采自北京延庆区);(b)白云岩裂隙中充填的纯石英构成的硅质岩;(c)三种不同形式的硅质岩共生:① 碎裂的硅质颗粒重新胶结形成的硅质岩;② 仍保留原始藻纹层的硅质岩;③ 沿裂隙产出的质地很纯的石英岩,并与原始的硅质条带呈过渡关系,说明裂隙中的硅质可能来源于原始的硅质条带白云岩

(a)The common light-colored and pure siliceous banded dolostone in the Wumishan Formation(specimen is collected from Yanqing District, Beijing).(b)Siliceous rock composed of pure quartz filled in dolostone fissures.(c)Three different forms of siliceous rock symbiosis: ① siliceous rock formed by re-cementation of fragmented siliceous particles; ② siliceous rock that still retains the original algal laminae; ③ the pure quartz produced along the fracture.It is in a transitional relationship with the original siliceous strip, indicating that the siliceous in the fractures is probably derived from the original siliceous banded dolostone

3.5 硅质的来源及海洋物理化学环境



4 结论








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An arguement on origin of chert bands in carbonate rocks
——A case study of the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation in the Western Hills of Beijing

SU Dechen1), L Hongbo 2), ZHANG Yuxu 3), SUN Aiping 1), ZHU Xiaoqing 4), HE Jing 5), YUAN Xiaoqi 5)

1)Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, 100037;2)School of Earth Science and Technology, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, Shandong, 266580;3)Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, 100037;4)Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China Geological Survey, Qingdao, Shandong, 266071;5)Research Institute of Exploration and Development of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Branch, Xian, 710018

Abstract: The Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation in Beijing area is mainly composed of chert banded dolostone, chert nodule dolostone, stromatolite dolostone and a small amount of terrigenous silty clastic dolostone.It is widely exposed in the Beijing mountain area with a thickness of 2000~3500 meters.The provenance and cause of the formation of a large number of Mesoproterozoic siliceous sediments represented by the Wumishan Formation have been a controversial issue in the geoscience field for a long time.Most researchers believe that layered chert is biogenic and nodular chert is the diagenetic replacement.After detailed field investigations in the Western Hills of Beijing and other places, the authors have found that most of the siliceous bands or siliceous nodules(generally referred to as chert mat or siliceous gel mat in the following)occur on the sedimentary discontinuity surface, especially on the ancient erosion surface.The underlying dolostone gravels are often cemented with the siliceous material.The interior of chert mats is often mixed with impurities, especially organic matter, showing various dark and mottled colors.Chert mats were formed at the same time with surrounding dolomitic debris before the accumulation of the overlying dolomitic sediments.There is a relationship of mutual interpenetration and wrapping between chert mats and dolomitic sediments, but the boundaries between them are clear.Neither dolostone debris nor chert mat has obvious replacement trace.Therefore, the author believes that the “concretion” of chert is the result of silica gel aggregation and solidification.Silica gel solidification is the only genetic mechanism of primary chert in Wumishan Formation.Usually, the cementation rate of dolomitic mud and intraclast is obviously faster than that of silica gel mat.When an earthquake occurs or the overlying sediment is too thick, the soft silica gel will intrude upward or squeeze downward along the weakly consolidated dolostone fissure to form siliceous dykes.In the event of later magma intrusion or transformation by thermal metamorphism, the composition and color of chert strips and chert concretions will change accordingly.The texture becomes pure, and the color changes from dark to light, but the original bedding or texture is still retained, which is easily mistaken for diagenetic or post-diagenetic siliceous replacement of carbonate minerals.

Keywords: chert strip; chert nodule; dolostone; silica gel mat; semi-consolidation; replacement

注:本文为国家自然科学基金资助项目“华北克拉通中—新元古代古地震记录及多期裂解事件”(编号: 41772116)的成果。

收稿日期:2022-06-06;改回日期:2022-08-18;网络首发:2022-08-20;责任编辑:刘志强。Doi: 10.16509/j.georeview.2022.08.171

作者简介:苏德辰,男,1964 年生,研究员,近年来主要从事古地震研究; Email: sudechen@163.com。

Acknowledgements: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41772116)

First author: SU Dechen, born in 1964, mainly engaged in sedimentology and palaeoearthquake research in recent 10 years; Email: sudechen@163.com

Manuscript received on: 2022-06-06;Accepted on: 2022-08-18; Network published on: 2022-08-20

Doi: 10.16509/j.georeview.2022.08.171

Edited by: LIU Zhiqiang