





Isotopic characteristics of H-O-S-Pb of Zhushahong porphyry copper deposit in Dexing, Jiangxi Province, and their significance

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    江西德兴斑岩铜矿田位于扬子地块东南缘,毗邻赣东北深断裂;该矿田由富家坞、铜厂及朱砂红矿床组成,属世界超大型斑岩铜矿。本文在系统的野外观察及室内岩相学观察的基础上,通过H、O、S、Pb同位素地球化学研究手段,探讨该矿床的成矿流体及成矿物质来源。氢氧同位素研究结果显示, 矿石石英脉中石英的δ18O值范围为8.4‰~11.2‰,与之平衡的δ18OH2O值范围分别为0.44‰~3.14‰,含矿石英脉中石英的δD值范围为-73.2‰~-56.9‰,成矿流体以岩浆分异热液及天水热液为主。矿石中硫化物δ34S组成变化范围较窄,为-4.3‰~-0.9‰,多数集中在0值左右且在硫同位素直方图上呈塔式分布特点,表明具有岩浆硫(0±3‰)的特征。矿石硫化物中Pb同位素组成比较稳定,206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb比值分别为18.079~18.643、15.545~15.578和38.058~38.595。朱砂红矿床硫化物中Pb同位素组成与德兴含矿斑岩大致相同,明显区别于源自双桥山群地层的矿石中Pb同位素组成,表明成矿物质主要来源于含矿斑岩,并非双桥山群浅变质地层。朱砂红矿床的流体来源为岩浆分异热液及天水热液的混合,成矿物质主要来自斑岩,矿床发育与斑岩体密切相关。德兴矿区三个矿床对比研究表明,朱砂红斑岩型矿床H-O同位素特征与铜厂斑岩铜矿床大体一致,成矿流体来源基本相似;三个矿床中S同位素表现为从东南的富家坞矿床向西北的朱砂红矿床由高到低的变化趋势, 但变化范围基本保持一致,朱砂红矿床可能比铜厂矿床及富家坞矿床受更多围岩物质混染;三个矿床Pb同位素总体显示出壳幔混合铅的特征。三个矿床为同一成矿系统,矿床的差异源自岩浆与围岩混染程度的不同。


    Dexing porphyry copper deposits is one of the largest porphyry copper deposit in the world which is composed of Tongchang,Fujiawu and Zhushahong deposits,it’s located in the southeast of the Yangtze massif and close to the northeast of Jiangxi deep fracture. Based on a detailed analysis of geological characteristics and a study of hydrogen,oxygen,sulfur and lead isotopes in hydrothermal minerals,this paper has discussed the origin of ore-forming fluid and materials and genesis of the Zhushahong deposit. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope analyses indicate that δ18O of quartz in quartz vein of ores range from 8.4‰ to 11.2‰, the corresponding δ18OH2O range from 0.44‰ to 3.14‰, δD of quartz in quartz vein of ores range from -73.2‰ to-56.9‰,the ore-forming fluid in the Zhushahong ore blocks is mainly a mixed fluid of magmatic and meteoric water.The δ34S values of sulfide minerals range from -4.3‰ to -0.9‰ and concentrate around zero value.The narrower distribution range and the lower average of the δ34S value indicate the source of sulphur is deep-source magma sulphur(0±3‰). Lead isotopic compositions of ores are basically coincident, and 206Pb /204Pb,207Pb /204Pb and208Pb /204Pb ratios of sulfide ores are 18.079~18.643,15.545~15.578 and 38.058~38.5 95.These lead isotope ratios are consistent with those of ore-bearing porphyries but distinctly different from those of the Neoproterozoic metamorphic wall rocks, which indicates that the metals are derived from the porphyries. This may indicates that the lead isotope of sulfides is from the same deep magma source area. The ore-forming fluid in the Zhushahong ore blocks is mainly a mixed fluid of magmatic and meteoric water,the ore-forming materials mainly come from porphyries,Zhushahong deposit is closely related to porphyries.Comparison on isotope characteristics of the three deposits in Dexing porphyry copper deposit:It is revealed that the H-O isotope characteristic of Zhushahong deposits is similar to Tongchang deposit relatively and they may share the similar source of ore-forming fluid. From the Fujiawu in the southeast to the Zhushahong in the northwest, S isotope is from high to low but the basic consistent, the surrounding rock material contamination of Zhushahong could be more than Tongchang and Fujiawu. The Pb isotope of the three deposits shows that the three deposits belong to one metallogenic system and they have the characteristic of crust-mantle mixed lead.


yangbo, shuixinfang, zhaoyuanyi, zhuxiaoyun, wangzengke.2016. Isotopic characteristics of H-O-S-Pb of Zhushahong porphyry copper deposit in Dexing, Jiangxi Province, and their significance[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica,90(1):126-138.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-02-03
  • 最后修改日期:2015-05-11
  • 录用日期:2015-05-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-01-18
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