琼东南断裂带地质- 地球物理特征及未来科学钻探建议

1) 中国地质调查局广州海洋地质调查局,自然资源部海底矿产资源重点实验室,广东广州,510075;2. 2) 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州),广东广州,511458

Geological- geophysical characteristics of the Qiongdongnan fault zone and future scientific drilling proposals

1) Key Laboratory of Marine Mineral Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, China Geological Survey, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510075, China;2. 2) Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou),Guangzhou, Guangdong 511458, China
Abstract:As the surface response of the earths internal dynamics, fault play an important role in the formation and evolution of faulted basins, and they often become the inducing factors of geological disasters such as earthquakes and landslides. Based on the existing multi- channel seismic data, the structural characteristics of the Qiongdongnan fault zone on the southeast side of Hainan Island are comprehensively analyzed in this paper. The results show that the Qiongdongnan fault zone is roughly distributed along the northern boundary of the Qiongdongnan basin on the plane, and is disconnected by a EW- trending fault, dividing it into two sections. It was highly active in the Early Cenozoic and ceased activity in the Late Miocene, and the activity intensity of the western fault was significantly greater than that of the eastern segment of the fault. In addition, the western segment of the fault was accompanied by flower- like structures from the Late Eocene to the Oligocene, which may be related to the rapid sinistral strike- slip activity of the Red Rive fault zone in the west during this period. Combined with the characteristics of free air gravity anomalies in the northern part of the South China Sea, it is inferred that the Qiongdongnan fault zone belongs to the extension of the Binhai fault zone in the northwest part of the South China Sea, and the Qiongzhou Strait fault located in the north of Hainan Island should be the extension of the Lianhuashan fault in the northwest part of the South China Sea. Based on the current research status of Binhai fault zone, it is suggested that the Binhai fault zone offshore outside Yangjiang and Qiongdongnan fault zone can be selected as the drilling target area for future scientific drilling experiment, with cores drilled on both sides of the fault and the fracture zone. The drilling results can provide supports for further determining the extension direction of the Binhai fault zone in the northwest of the South China Sea, and for a more comprehensive seismic risk assessment of the Binhai fault zone in the future.
Key words:Qiongdongnan fault zone; northwestern South China Sea; structural characteristics; Binhai fault zone; scientific drilling